Chapter Election 2025-2026
The group of students in an OCCM Chapter is the nucleus of the OCCM ministry and life on campus. The group is facilitated and guided by a team that includes elected student leaders, a clergy (spiritual) advisor, and a faculty advisor (may not be required at every university).
A Chapter’s Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary & Social Media Coordinator, Community Service Coordinator, Campus Outreach Coordinator, and Youth Outreach & Fellowship Coordinator. If a position is unfilled, this role can be the responsibility of an existing officer, thus an officer wearing two hats. Large chapters of 50+ active members can request additional committee members with specified roles with the approval of their Regional Clergy Advisor. Nomination is through self-expression only.
Please be sure to read the OCCM Chapter Leadership Election & Voting Guidelines.
Self-Expression Forms by Region:
Election Timeline:
Weeks of 10-MAR to 21-MAR: Nomination Period through Self-Expression (Simultaneous Nominee Vetting by Clergy Advisor)
Week of 24-MAR to 28-MAR: Finalize Vetting / Ballot Creation
Week of 31-MAR to 04-APR: Chapter Election
Week of 07-APR: New officers are announced. Begin setting a transition plan and complete it before the end of the semester.​