Recognizing the need for a spiritual support system for young Orthodox Christians during their crucial college years, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches imparted its blessing to its official campus fellowship – Orthodox Christian Campus Ministries (OCCM) – to begin the work of uniting our youth under one banner where they can come together to meet, pray, learn from one another and enjoy Christian fellowship. OCCM first rolled out in the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England. The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern U.S. joined this national effort and adopted 'OCCM' as the official campus ministry organization under the direct oversight of the Metropolitan and his designee.​

OCCM anchors college students to the values and ancient faith of the Orthodox Christian Church through fellowship, prayer, service to others, and study of the faith.
Our mission statement stems from four pillars of the Orthodox Christian lifestyle: orthodoxia, orthopraxia, orthokoinonia, and orthokrisia. These are the correct belief (faith), correct acts/practice, correct community, and correct judgment and values.
The vision of OCCM is to:
Inspire and instill in students the commitment to live an Orthodox Christian way of life daily.
Be an integral part of students’ spiritual formation by nurturing them spiritually, scholastically, socially, and even emotionally.
Assist students who desire to start an Orthodox Christian campus ministry organization with the proper steps and support to achieve that interest successfully.
Support campus ministry organizations to ensure the organic growth and sustainability of the group in the Orthodox Faith.
Provide existing campus organizations with a forum to share ideas, programs, and events so as to better serve our brothers and sisters.